Workplace EV Charging Solutions

Providing Businesses With Ways To Commit To Sustainability

As a building or business owner, you want what's best for your tenants, employees, and the environment. You know that electric vehicles are the future, but you're not sure how to make the switch. ZEV Society can help you with that. We offer a wide range of workplace EV charging solutions that are designed to meet the needs of any business.

Advantages Of Investing In EV For The Workplace

When companies and building owners invest in EV charging stations, they commit to sustainability while also providing their employees with valuable perks. With EV stations, workplaces can expect:

Increase The Value Of Your Real Estate

One of the best reasons to invest in workplace EV charging is that it can increase the value of your property. If you're a landlord, adding EV stations will make your property more attractive to potential tenants who are looking for sustainable, eco-friendly buildings. If you're a business owner, adding EV stations will make your workplace more attractive to potential employees who are looking for businesses that care about the environment.

Build Your Corporate Image

Employees and customers alike are looking for businesses that align with their values. If your workplace offers EV charging, it sends a message that your company is committed to sustainability. This can help you attract and retain employees, as well as build a positive corporate image.

Attract New Employees Or Tenants

In a world where business buildings are a dime-a-dozen, it's essential to find ways to stand out from the crowd. By investing in workplace EV charging, you'll be able to attract new employees or tenants who are looking for sustainable workplaces.

Contribute To Sustainability Goals

As a business or building owner, you have a responsibility to contribute to the sustainability goals of your community. By investing in workplace EV charging, you'll be able to do your part in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable transportation.

Stay Ahead Of Regulations

Electric vehicles are the future, and eventually, all businesses will be required to provide EV charging stations. By investing in workplace EV charging now, you'll be able to stay ahead of regulations and avoid any penalties or fines in the future.

Take Advantage Of EVSE Rebates And Incentives

There are many EVSE rebates and incentives available for businesses and building owners who install EV charging stations. These rebates can help offset installation costs, making investing in workplace EV charging more affordable.

Provide An Incredible Charging Experience In The Workplace

With ZEV Society's top-of-the-line workplace EV charging solutions, you'll be able to offer your employees an incredible charging experience. In addition, we offer a wide range of products and services that are designed to meet the needs of any business, big or small.

Payment Control Available

With our payment control options, you'll be able to choose how you want employees to pay for their charging. For example, you can allow employees to charge for free or set up a system where they're charged per kWh.

Energy Load Reports

If you're worried about the impact that workplace EV charging will have on your energy bill, our energy load reports can help put your mind at ease. These reports show you how much energy is being used by the charging stations, so you can make adjustments as needed.

Faster Charging

Our EV stations provide some of the fastest charging times on the market, so your employees will never have to wait long to get their vehicles charged, freeing up time for them to get back to work.

Easy To Install And Use

Our EV stations are easy to install and use, so you won't have to worry about training your employees on how to use them. We also offer a wide range of accessories and hardware that can be used to customize the stations to your specific needs.

Rebate And Incentives Available

There are many EVSE rebates and incentives available for businesses and building owners who install EV charging stations. These rebates can help offset installation costs, making investing in workplace EV charging more affordable.

Manage All Of Your Workplace Chargers With Smart Technology

Our EV chargers include innovative technology to help you manage and monitor your workplace charging stations. With our online portal, you'll be able to see real-time data on energy usage, view billing statements, and more. With a few taps, you'll have complete control over when and who can access charging at your building, optimize operational costs by load shedding during peak demand, and customize settings to fit the needs of your business best.

Electric vehicles are the future of transportation, and workplace EV charging is a great way to attract new employees or tenants, contribute to sustainability goals, stay ahead of regulations, take advantage of rebates and incentives, provide an incredible charging experience, and more. If you're interested in learning more about workplace EV charging, or if you're ready to install a station at your business, we'd be happy to help. Contact us today to speak with one of our experts.

Our Top Workplace Commercial Charging Solutions

Why Pick ZEV Society For Your EV Needs?

At ZEV Society, we are focused on creating a sustainable future through the sale and distribution of zero-emission vehicle products. We believe electric vehicles are the key to reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and are committed to making them more accessible to everyone.

We are dedicated to providing the best possible experience for our customers, and we hope that you will join us in our mission to create a cleaner, brighter future.